Also, check out the annual reprint of the Declaration in today's New York Times (published this year in a higher-res format along with a transcription, 'cause some of that flowing script is hard to read).
One other item: I'm 37 years old, and I love me some patriotic music, but until this weekend, I don't think I had ever heard the lyrics sung to The Stars and Stripes Forever. I'm not even sure I knew it had lyrics. But I heard it performed on A Prairie Home Companion.
Hurrah for the flag of the free!May it wave as our standard forever,The gem of the land and the sea,The banner of the right.Let despots remember the dayWhen our fathers with mighty endeavorProclaimed as they marched to the frayThat by their might and by their rightIt waves forever.
Did you know it is the official national march? The complete lyrics are here.

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