Saturday, December 8, 2007

Here, have a Stage Plank

Driving back to Nashville after Thanksgiving, I pulled in to a little gas station in north Georgia to fill up my tank and get a Coke, and instead wound up making quite a find: Uncle Al's Stage Planks. I hadn't had a Stage Plank in a zillion years. They're pink-frosted gingerbread-y cookies, big and flat. I remember getting them from the convenience store in Warrenton where I used to work.

Via Google, I noticed a blogger in Savannah described Uncle Al's Stage Planks recently as "frightening." Respectfully, this is undeserved. However, the gas station where I found the Stage Planks was also sellling barbecued fatback as a snack. Now, that's frightening. (You can read more about people like me who enjoy a quality Stage Plank on this message board.)


Fender said...

Hey JP -
Do you put peanuts in your Coke, too? Sarrio told me it was a Southern treat, but I didn't believe her. Figured I'd consult an expert.

- Fender

JP said...

No, I never did that, but my mother could recall having done so. It is indeed a Southern treat.

Sandy Smith Mills said...

I absolutely LOVE stage planks!!! I was introduced to them when I was working at a convenience store back home while I was in college. They are so hard to find and it is such a treat to happen upon them at a convenience store while travelling! I always try to look for them and am mostly disappointed to not find them. I just found a site to order them from, but you have to order in bulk.

Suzanne Goldklang said...

Three flavors of planks are now available in smaller quantities through Vermont country store!