Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Sexual harassment in Georgia state government

Georgia state government is in the dark about how pervasive sexual harassment is for its 70,000 executive branch employees, 65 percent of whom are women. Chris Joyner, Johnny Edwards and I looked at the state’s haphazard system of dealing with harassment cases in the first of multiple planned stories. We also highlighted several sexual harassment cases in the state Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. If you’re a Georgia state worker who has been sexually harassed, please tell us your story. Email us at Your name won’t be published if you don’t want it to be.

Update, Sept. 22: We've published two more installments, "State’s weak response to sexual harassment makes reporting risky" and "She said she’d been sexually harassed. Then she got fired for it."

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Monday, January 8, 2018

Mental illness in fatal Georgia police shootings

Mental illness figures significantly in fatal police shootings in Georgia. It's a new story by my friend and colleague Brad Schrade, with number-crunching by me.